The role of mind in nature
Seeing | Philosophy
Prof. Mikhail Ilyin, PhD, PhD | 2021-01-11
Prof. Mikhail Ilyin, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, discusses foundational issues around the mind-body problem, as historically explored in Western philosophy and beyond. Watch his presentation during Essentia Foundation’s 2020 online work conference.
Prof. Ilyin teaches comparative politics at the National Research University’s Higher School of Economics, Russia, and is a part-time teacher at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and Sevastopol State University. He is also head of the Center for Advanced Methods in Social Sciences and Humanities at the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and editor of the yearbook METHOD. He has been co-founder of the major Russian political science journal Polis and president of the Russian Political Science Association from 1997 to 2001. Prof. Ilyin has a PhD in the history of English literature (1976) and another PhD in political sciences (1997). He is a member of Essentia Foundation‘s Academic Advisory Board.

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