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Laleh K. Quinn, PhD

Cognitive Science

A short introduction

Dr. Quinn is a member of the research faculty in the department of Cognitive Science at the University of California San Diego, where she works as a behavioral neuroscientist specializing in electrophysiological recordings of brain activity in rats. She obtained a Ph.D in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science from the University of Arizona in 1999. Her dissertation was on consciousness and scientific explanation. She was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the Institute for Neural Computation at UCSD, to study brain activity in rats performing learning and memory tasks, and then obtained a research position that she has held for 20+ years.


The science of consciousness after death

When the results of observations and experiments designed to investigate the possible continuance of consciousness after bodily death are interpreted according to standard scientific criteria, they strongly indicate the reality of the hypothesis. We fail to acknowledge it because of metaphysical biases ingrained in our culture and, in particular, academia, argues Dr. Quinn.

Materialism in academia is a fundamentalist belief system

The metaphysics of materialism is a belief system held in large swathes of academia in the same manner, and often for the same reasons, that religious beliefs are held in fundamentalist organizations, argues Dr. Quinn, with 30 years of academic experience to substantiate her views.

How a neuroscientist came to embrace the reality of acausal synchronicities

In this courageous and very personal essay, UC San Diego neuroscientist Dr. Laleh Quinn shares with us her journey from materialism to opening up to the possibility of acausal, transpersonal, mind-like organizing principles in nature. The events that led to this opening-up will amaze you. We salute Dr. Quinn for her sincerity, integrity, and commitment to truth.

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