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Esmee Geerken, PhD


A short introduction

Esmee Geerken graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and obtained a PhD in Earth Sciences, with an expertise in the field of biomineralization and paleoceanography. Her hybrid ArtScience practice playfully questions our perception of the obvious. Geerken’s artistic work draws inspiration from the materials and beings she encountered as an Earth scientist. Soils, rocks, seagulls, seafloor sediments, ocean currents and unicellular organisms called ‘foraminifera’ are amongst the subjects she has worked with. Geerken is specifically interested in the psychological and biogeochemical mechanisms that shape and propel our forms, connections and trajectories. Her work questions how knowledge, imagination and experience of our environment are entangled and affect how we enact with the biosphere: how do we form bodies, thoughts, shelters, societies and cities while being part of bigger systems?


Consciousness, spacetime and the intelligence of nature

Closing the second day of the 2021 ‘The Science of Consciousness’ conference, dr. Jacob Jolij, dr. Esmee Gerken and Dr. Iain McGilchrist take questions and debate consciousness, spacetime and the intelligence of nature.

Blobs of order

In this fascinating presentation, filled with surprising images, Dr. Esmee Geerken looks deeper into the symbiosis between animal and mineral, aiming to form new materials through biomineralization mechanisms.

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