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Dino Alfier, PhD


A short introduction

Dino Alfier completed a doctorate on French philosopher Simone Weil at the University of the Arts, London. He has published a number of papers on Weil’s ethical notion of attention and its significance for art, including: ‘Where There Is Nothing, Read That I love You: Simone Weil’s “Attention” and The Art of Perception’ (Indigo), ‘Necessarily Selfless Action: An Enactment of Simone Weil’s Notion of Attention as a Practice of Detachment through Observational Drawing’ (Peter Lang), ‘La critique weilienne de la science contemporaine et le Book of Dust d’Agnes Denes’ (Cahiers Simone Weil), and ‘Critical Practical Analogy: A Research Tool for Reflecting and Making’ (Journal of Research Practice). He lives in Cambridge, UK.


Idealist stones hurt too

Physical realism is a leap of faith compelled by fear induced by a failure of the imagination, argues Dino Alfier. He provides a comprehensive take-down of Samuel Johnson’s attempt to refute Bishop Berkeley’s idealism by famously kicking a stone and proclaiming, in a peculiar display of circular and illogical reasoning, “I refute it thus.”

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