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Arthur Haswell, BA


A short introduction

Arthur was born in Hexham, England. He attended Cumbria University and then the University of Westminster, where he obtained a Bachelors degree in Film. Since then he has worked in the UK television industry, and now works in the BBC's Natural History Unit, with post-production roles on various flagship projects such as "BBC Earth Experience" and "Attenborough and the Giant Sea Monster." Arthur has a fascination for philosophy of mind, and moderates the internet's most thriving community of analytic idealists on Discord (


Those who do not ‘see’ their own consciousness: can argument help?

Much of the discord in today’s philosophical debate on the nature of mind and reality arises not from argument, but from a peculiar mindset that prevents some from explicitly cognizing their own consciousness, argues Arthur Haswell. This mindset relates to Cotard’s syndrome (the rare delusion of being already dead) and necrophilia (a love for all that is mechanical and inanimate, as opposed to alive and organic). Haswell suggests that it may be as futile to argue against this mindset as it is useless to explain color to someone born blind.

Deconstructing the intuitions underlying physicalism and illusionism

Arthur Haswell offers a devastating and delightfully well-argued deconstruction of the absurdities inherent in physicalism and its sibling, illusionism.

The lost music with which the world worlds

Arthur Haswell invites us to pay attention to and, once again, like our ancestors once did, hear the rhyme and rhythm with which the world worlds. Reality, he maintains, unfolds according to a form of music that, in ages past, humans were matter-of-factly sensitive to. Granted that, if we could sense it again, we could find the codas of the modern world to be excessively depressing, frightening, and bleak. For this reason, perhaps subconsciously, we may not wish to hear them. But, he suspects, we could also find in them much beauty and harmony that enrich our lives. This is a profoundly edifying essay.

If you dream of a triangle, where does the triangle exist?

When we dream of a triangle, we experience a geometric shape with the measurable characteristics—angles and lengths—of a triangle. But the neural correlates of this dream in the physical brain are not triangular. So if all that exists is physicality, where in the physical world is the dream triangle? In this essay, Arthur Haswell not only elaborates rigorously on this thought experiment, but also anticipates and addresses various possible objections. The conclusion, he claims, is that the experiment demonstrates that there is more to reality than what we colloquially call ‘the physical.’

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